Adding a Location
A location is added to a site; it is tracked by the location name, which is required. A site may have an unlimited amount of locations. To add a location, one at a time, use the Manage Locations page; see "How to Add a Location". To add many locations at once, use the Location Wizard; see "Using the Location Wizard". After a location is added to the system, you may add inventory to it, move items to and from locations, and issue, pick, receive, and return inventory to it.
How to Add a Location
- Select Manage > Locations from the navigation pane.
- The Manage Location page appears. The Locations for your default site are displayed.
If your system uses RFID Tracking, the RFID Reader Locations are listed in the Manage Locations page.
- To add a location, select the Add icon.
- The Add Location form appears.
- Name field (required): Enter a name for the location in the Name field.
- Description field (optional): Enter a description for this location in the Description field.
- Site field (required): The location is added to the site selected in this field. The default site of the logged-in user is automatically entered in this field. If the default division of the logged-in user contains multiple sites and the logged-in user has access to more than one site, another site may be selected from the drop-down list.
- Parent Location field (used for a sublocation): when entering a location, leave the Parent Location field blank.
- RFID Reader Location field: this drop-down field is used to map an RFID Reader LocationRFID Listening Service (RLS) location that contains configured RFID Readers. When using RFID Tracking in IntelliTrack, the RFID Reader Location must be mapped to an IntelliTrack location. In order to map an RFID Reader Location to an IntelliTrack Location, the RFID setting must be ON for the division and role of the logged-in user must contain the RFID Tracking feature. to an IntelliTrack location. The role of the logged-in user must have the RFID Tracking featureThis feature enables integration with the RFID Listening Service. It is available in edit mode only. The RFID Reader Location column in the Manage Locations page grid and the RFID Reader Location drop down field in the Add/Edit Location form are also visible with the feature. An IntelliTrack location is mapped to an RFID Reader Location; this enables IntelliTrack to track the RFID READ EVENT (Inventory Move) from RLS. RFID must be on for the division when using the RFID Tracking feature. to view this field. Otherwise, this field is not displayed.
- Click the drop-down arrow to view the list of RFID Reader locations. Select the RFID Reader location to map it to this IntelliTrack location.
- An RFID Reader location may be mapped to one IntelliTrack location. This one-to-one mapping applies to the entire company.
- Inactive checkbox:
- When marked the location is inactivated. (When a location is inactivated, inventory cannot be added to it, but the location will remain in the system. This option is an alternative to removing the location from the application; an inactivated location may be reactivated at any time.) (If the parent site is inactivated, the location will automatically be inactivated as well.)
- When unmarked, this location is active. This is the default setting. To use a location in the system, it must be active.
- Select the Save icon to close the form and save this location to this site.
- (To cancel adding this location, discard the information at this form, and close this form, select the Cancel icon.)
- (To cancel adding this location, discard the information at this form, and close this form, select the Cancel icon.)
- When you select the Save icon, the Add Location form closes. You are returned to the Manage Locations page, the new location is part of the location list for the parent site.
- If this site allows sublocations, you may add a sublocation to this location.
Adding a Sublocation
A sublocation is added to a location. For more information about adding a sublocation, see "Adding a Sublocation".
Adding an Item to a Location
An item may be added to a location; see "Add Item to Inventory Form".